Aggressive driving plus speeding equals serious injuries

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There is a common belief that staying within 10 miles per hour over the limit is not truly speeding. That kind of thinking can get you a speeding ticket, and in most states, fines double in work zones.

Aggressive driving will get you a ticket, too, and is much more likely to cause an accident. Add speeding to the equation, and you can almost guarantee more serious injuries.

Contributing factors

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 66% of accidents involve aggressive driving. For some people, aggressive driving is a chronic behavior, and alcohol, drugs, life stress and anger management issues only make it worse. Although it can be irritating when another driver cuts in front of you, it ignites rage and the need for retaliation in some drivers. Unfortunately, that creates dangerous conditions for everyone in the area.

Aggressive behaviors

Aggressive drivers are easy to recognize. They drive faster than the normal traffic flow, change lanes frequently, and often cut in front of you with no room to spare, causing you to brake quickly and risk being rear-ended. They also tailgate, trying to force you to get out of their way, but if the traffic ahead of you slows or stops suddenly, an accident is likely.

Road rage

Aggressive driving is dangerous enough, particularly when you add the element of speeding. However, some drivers take it a step further and may sideswipe your car, hit your back bumper intentionally or even run you off the road.

Most drivers agree that aggressive driving presents a serious safety threat. The best way to respond to an aggressive driver is to stay out of their way and not engage with them. It is not worth the risk.If you or someone you know was injured in a car crash, reach out to our abogados de accidentes de coche hoy atendemos a nuestros clientes desde nuestras oficinas en New Orleans y Baton Rouge.

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