Statistics highlight auto accident risks linked to days and time

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Studies into the frequency and causes of an auto accident examine various aspects. All might be important to a Louisianan who has been affected by an automobile accident, whether it is with injuries or losing a loved one. Some issues that are not often considered, such as days of the week and time of day, could be important factors. One such study sought to examine these factors to gain a better understanding of these incidents.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration or NHTSA says that the number of fatal accidents has been increasing. Certain days were found to be the most and least dangerous. The safest day to be on the road was found to be Tuesday. The riskiest was Saturday. Research says that the NHTSA’s data showed that in 2016, there were slightly more than 6,800 deaths on Saturdays. This is out of the nearly 37,500 in total deaths on the road. On Tuesdays, the number was 4,444. Saturday has 53 percent more fatalities. Other weekend days were found to be similarly dangerous. On Fridays, there were 5,826 deaths; on Sunday, there were 5,809.

On weekdays, the afternoon rush is more dangerous than the morning rush. Between 4 p.m. and 6:59 p.m. has the highest risk of being in a fatal accident with 6,201 fatalities in a car crash. The next time frame where there were the most deaths was between 7 p.m. and 9:59 p.m. with 6,067 fatalities. This is an 85 percent increase when compared to 7 a.m. to 9:59 a.m.

The number of fatalities is closely linked to drivers who are operating their vehicles under the influence. In 2016, just short of 10,500 people died in a crash due to a driver who was under the influence of alcohol. Roughly 28 percent of the total number of deaths in 2016 featured drivers whose blood-alcohol content was 0.08 or higher. Another factor is drivers who speed with 10,111 fatalities in 2016. This came to 27 percent.

Those who were injured or suffered the loss of a loved one in an auto accident will not consider the multiple factors that might have played a role in the incident. However, when thinking about the funeral costs, medical expenses, lost contributions and emotional impact, the time and day when the accident occurred could be crucial in a legal filing. A law firm that understands how to pursue compensation after car accidents will know how to assess these factors and use them when moving forward with a case. This information could be beneficial and could help protect a victim’s rights and interests.

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